Cooperate with us


We offer IT administrators and system integrators collaboration, whether they manage (recommend) a communication environment for one or more companies. The long-term cooperation model has proved its worth, as the integrator knows the details of our services, their quality and reliability parameters and easily integrates them into its comprehensive offers. 

  • We provide services on a wholesale basis (the customer is an IT integrator) 
  • This way we also enable the mediation of services (the customer is the end customer) 
  • It is possible to use a comprehensive portfolio of Internet services, data transmissions, voice services, cloud and more

Each partner will find its own

  • We emphasise the high security of the solutions provided 
  • We have long-term know-how, we are ready to consult with you on your requirements and cooperate on solutions for your clients 
  • We are flexible, we will always try to adapt to your requirements 
  • Integration of our product into your offer 

Would you like to order the connection or do you have any questions?

You can simply call or email us.
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