We will connect your new object to our network


Today, it is unthinkable that a newly built building does not have an adequate connection to communication networks and the Internet. It is equally important that the building's internal infrastructure reflects the latest knowledge and enables it to meet the growing needs of customers in the coming years without further investment requirements. We are specialists in ensuring that your building meets all these requirements; we are ready to work on it with you. 

  • We will connect your building to both national and international optical networks 
  • For end customers, we offer complete services, especially Internet connection, fixed voice networks, Internet television, ... 
  • We offer to cooperate in the building of cabling in the building 

We approach our responsibilities responsibly

  • We are a partner of other operators to whom we provide access for your customers in the form of a wholesale service 
  • We do not block the provision of services in the building from any other operator; a competitive environment is natural and healthy 
  • We are ready to fully manage the built infrastructure 
  • We will work intensively with you throughout the construction period so that the result is a modern infrastructure for your residential or corporate customers 

We try to cover all needs


In the group, we specialize so that our operation is as efficient as possible: 

  • Pe3Ny, a company with many years of experience in building and providing connections to households, provides services to dozens of thousands of clients on the optical network. 
  • Quantcom, a company with more than twenty years of history, provides corporate customers, infrastructure support and network connectivity, and wholesale services. 

Would you like to order the connection or do you have any questions?

You can simply call or email us.
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