Fiber network Quantcom

Our international, national and metropolitan networks are built on the infrastructure of our own optical cables and fibers in combination with leased cables and fibers. In addition to terrestrial networks, we also operate an extensive radio network in the Czech Republic in the range of hundreds of transmission points, thus supplementing the coverage of areas without a direct connection to the optical infrastructure. The international exchanges Frankfurt, Vienna, Bratislava, Prague and Krakow are connected in a capacity of several 100 Gbps into a circled topology with branches to large peering centers. Thanks to this, we achieve excellent availability of Internet resources and, in cooperation with global operators, we provide guaranteed capacities for data services.

The national network is built in a topology of several overlapping circles with several hundreds of access points with the presence in all regional towns and in most smaller towns (or in their vicinity). Technologically, the optical networks are equipped with the DWDM system enabling the efficient use of capacities, typical transmission speed of n x 400 Gbps while keeping low latency, which is important particularly for transit and backbone capacities.

The construction of optical networks being our priority, we expand our backbone network continuously. Explore our optical network map in order to verify service availability in your area. The map is regularly updated to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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